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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 寄生蝇科 »

学名:Myxexoristops arctica
Colour and pruinosity: Head mainly black with a grey ish white pruinosity; frontal vitta reddish brown to brown; face at mouth margin, anterior portion of parafacial, and genal groove reddish brown or brownish. Antenna black; arista black or brownish black. Palpus entirely black. Tho rax black, dorsally covered with thin greyish white pruino sity; with 5 (less distinct) dark longitudinal stripes; middle stripe absent in front of suture. Black lateral thoracic stripe in front of suture somewhat indistinct, ending wedge shaped at level of the posteriormost inner post-humeral seta; black lateral thoracic stripe behind the suture, insigni ficantly narrowing, extending backwards to the level of the posteriormost dorsocentral seta (most distinctly so in females). Tegula and basicosta black. Calypter yellowish white with fringe more yellow. Halter with base and stem brownish yellow, knob brownish. Legs black or – in older specimens – brownish black. Syntergite 1+2 without prui nosity. Tergites 3–4 dorsally with basal bands of greyish white pruinosity covering anterior 2 /3–3 /4, towards hind mar gins replaced by a more brownish pruinosity; interrupted in the middle by an unbroken black longitudinal stripe. Ter gite 5 dorsally with a greyish white basal band covering anterior 2 /5–1 /2 (slightly more laterally) of that segment.